Percy Oldham

Census Address: 2 Sunnybank, East Street
Place of Birth: Stamford
Date of Birth: 1895
Enlistment Address: --
Regiment: --
Service Numbers: --
Place of Death: --
Date Died: --
Sunny Bank, East Street

Percy Oldham – 2 Sunny Bank, East Street

Hannescamps Cemetery, Pas de Calais.

Hannescamps Cemetery, Pas de Calais.

Percy Oldham was born in 1895. He was the son of Edward and Emma Oldham who lived at 2 Sunny Bank East Street in 1911. He had two brothers, John Edward aged 23 and Harry aged 22; and two sisters, Sarah Jane aged 18 and Esther 19 (not on 1911 census).

All the boys worked at Blackstones and their father worked for Bowmans, they had previously lived at 9 Conduit Road.

Percy enlisted with the 4th Lincolnshire Regiment (No 1882). In September 1915 he wrote home saying that he was in hospital suffering from a bullet wound in the right shoulder. He celebrated his 20th birthday in the trenches and was wounded leaving the firing line for the rest camp.

He was killed in the Somme on July 4th 1916 and his grave is in the Hannescamps Military Cemetery.