Cooch's Court, Bath Row, Stamford

Alfred William Collins Alfred William was the elder brother of Arthur Collins. He was born in 1891 and married Rosina Beasley in 1919. They had 3 children – Gladys, Gwendoline and Donald. He died in 1953. Information kindly provided by his granddaughter.… Read More

22 Princes Road, Stamford

John Eric Cole Clarke John, born in 1899, was the son of Frederick Clarke and Ada (nee Cole). In 1911 he was living with his parents and two sisters Ada and Gladys at 22 Princes Road. His father was a traveller for a wine merchant. The family had moved here from 3 Queen Street. In… Read More

23 Scotgate

Arthur Edward and Harry Medwell Colbert – 23 Scotgate In 1911 the Colberts were living at 23 Scotgate. Arthur Edward was 14 years old, Harry Medwell 12 years old and they had a younger brother Alfred Sidney aged 5 years. The older boys were both at school. Their father, Alfred, was a railway porter, probably… Read More

14 Priory Road

In 1911 Albert was 16 years old, he was born in Swindon, Wiltshire. His parents were Alfred and Annie (nee Balme) Curtis. Albert was a motor car fitter in a motor engineering works. His father and elder brother, Alfred, were oil engine fitters in an agricultural engineering company. In 1911 Frederick, younger brother, was 14… Read More

23 Scotgate

Arthur Edward and Harry Medwell Colbert – 23 Scotgate In 1911 the Colberts were living at 23 Scotgate. Arthur Edward was 14 years old, Harry Medwell 12 years old and they had a younger brother Alfred Sidney aged 5 years. The older boys were both at school. Their father, Alfred, was a railway porter, probably… Read More

14 Priory Road

In 1911 Frederick, younger brother of Albert, was 14 years old. He was born in Carnforth in Lancashire. His father and eldest brother Alfred were oil engine fitters in an agricultural engineering company . Frederick was a GPO Telegraph messenger. In 1911 they lived at 14 Priory Road Stamford. They had moved from 64 Nun… Read More

Brownlow Terrace

Sydney was born in Stamford in 1897, his parents were Robert Forrester and Alice (nee Harrison) Coldicott. His father was the relieving officer for the registrar of births , deaths and employed by the Board of Guardians. (The 1900 Kelly’s Directory added vaccination, school attendance, inquiry officer and collector to the Guardians’ Stamford District to… Read More

27 Austin Street

Harry Cole Harry born in April 1895 was the son of George Henry Cole a labourer and his wife Mary. He had three older brothers, Obed, Ernest and Arthur. The family were living at 27 Austin Street in 1901 and were still there in 1911. Harry was an apprentice printer. No military records were found… Read More

George H. W. Cole – 44 Empingham Road George’s parents had lived in Kettering where their first three children were born but they moved to Stamford by 1887. When George was born in August 1898, his father, Albert, was the publican at the Star and Garter at 10 Scotgate however his mother died in 1902… Read More

Phillips Yard, Water Street

Bertie Cole Betie was born Stamford in the autumn of 1899 and was still at school in 1911. He lived with father Robert (a brewery labourer at Phillips Brewery) and mother Ann at 7 Phillips Yard, the row of cottages rented to Phillips’ Brewery workers. He was the youngest of nine children, one of whom… Read More