Ingram, Edward Edward Ingram Edward was born in Stamford but his parentage is uncertain and no-one else called Ingram was in the workhouse in 1911. In 1901 Edward was 3 years old living with his grandparents and 4 of their younger children at 10 Malting Yard. Samuel, his grandfather was a builder’s labourer. His grandmother died in… Read More
Ireland, William (Charles) William Ireland Charles William’s father, William, and his grandfather, James, were both tailors and in the second half of the 19th century several other members of the Ireland family were also tailors. Further investigation may show that Charles William or his brother Francis followed the same trade. Charles William was born in 1899 and… Read More
Ivett, Fred Frederick Ivett – Borderville Cottages Frederick Ivett was born in the latter months of 1895 in Essendine, Rutland. He lived in Borderville Cottages on Ryhall Road in Stamford together with his father John, born in Alconbury, Huntingdonshire and mother Rebekah (Rebecca) born in Duddington, Northants. John and Rebekah were married in 1879 and lived first… Read More