Fred Ward

Census Address: 4 Frisby's Buildings, Scotgate
Place of Birth: Eastwell, Leics
Date of Birth: 1899
Enlistment Address: --
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Service Numbers: --
Place of Death: --
Date Died: --

Fred Ward

Fred Ward was born in 1899 . He was the second child of George and Fanny Ward. It was a large family.

His elder brother was Walter aged 14, then Charlie 10, Lucy 9, Frank 6, Harold 5 and George 2.

George worked for Charles Miles a timber merchant . The family all lived in a 3 roomed house 4 Frisby’s Buildings, one of the worst slums in Stamford. The court had been built in 1809 to house the supporters of Oddy who contested the parliamentary seat in the Whig interest as the Cecil’s ejected the tenants who had voted against them. Oddy took a lease of 8 & 9 and a 3 acre paddock behind and erected 16 houses part wood, part stone.

The property was called Protection Place. It was later taken over by Richard Frisby an illiterate pedlar and later described as being in bad repair. In 1901 they were living in 4 Protection Place which was the same house.

Fred joined the Transport branch of the Inland Waterways and Docks, a part of the Royal Engineers, in 1917 as a sapper. He was demobbed in February 1919. By 1916 the family had moved to 25 Bath Row.

Walter Ward

No record has been found, he may have moved away.

Amendments and Addenda

There was also an older brother, Harry, who died before the family moved to Stamford.