Frances George Webb

Census Address: 30 Queen's Walk
Place of Birth: Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire
Date of Birth: 1896
Enlistment Address: --
Regiment: --
Service Numbers: --
Place of Death: 1961
Date Died: Cambridge
30 Queens Walk

Francis George Webb was born in 1895 in Great Paxton Huntingdonshire. In 1901 he was living there with Martha his widowed mother, two brothers Harry 21 and Walter 13 and two sisters Maude 9 and Emily 3. By 1911 he was living at 30 Queen’s Walk with his brother in law, Percy Glitherow and his wife Mary Anne , working as an under gamekeeper.

He is also listed in 1911 in Great Paxton as a farm labourer living with his mother which indicates that he was not living permanently in Stamford, but just visiting.

He enlisted with the Bedfordshire regiment and was wounded in 1916 and discharged. He died in Cambridge in 1961.