Sturgess, Horace Horace Sturgess was born on 12th July 1898 in Skeffington, Leicestershire. His father Charles was born in Skeffington and worked as a coachman, his mother Elizabeth was from Leicester. Horace and three siblings, Marguerite, Charles and Cecil lived in Skeffington until 1906 when the family moved to 15 Church Lane, St Martin’s, Stamford where a… Read More
Rouse, Martin Martin Rouse was born in 1895 in Market Overton, Rutland. He was one of seven children who lived with father Thomas and mother Mary next-door to the Rectory in Market Overton. Thomas worked as a groom at the Rectory and one of his daughters was a housemaid there. By 1911 several older siblings had left… Read More
Bowman, Albert Edward Albert Edward Bowman was born Melton Mowbray towards the end of 1898. Father Henry, born in York, was a horse-trainer and moved around the country following race-meetings. He and his wife, Sarah Elizabeth, had six children, born in several different places including Yorkshire, Devon, Surrey and Rutland. When Albert was born they were living in… Read More
Baldock, Herbert Herbert Baldock was born in Stamford in 1896 and lived at 12 Church Lane, St Martin’s with his father David, a railway engineer and mother Selina. He was the fourth child of seven, all born in Stamford, Selina’s home town. In 1911 he was working as a junior clerk in an office in Stamford. In… Read More
Lanham, William William Lanham was born in 1895 and in 1911 was living at 8 Church Lane, St Martin’s, Stamford with the family of William Henry Bradshaw, a house-painter. He worked as a ‘domestic houseboy’ for Bradshaw’s wife, Lillian Clarice, and their only son John. Although in 1911 he said he came from Wothorpe, in 1901 he… Read More