Cole, Harry Harry Cole Harry born in April 1895 was the son of George Henry Cole a labourer and his wife Mary. He had three older brothers, Obed, Ernest and Arthur. The family were living at 27 Austin Street in 1901 and were still there in 1911. Harry was an apprentice printer. No military records were found… Read More
Cole, George H W George H. W. Cole – 44 Empingham Road George’s parents had lived in Kettering where their first three children were born but they moved to Stamford by 1887. When George was born in August 1898, his father, Albert, was the publican at the Star and Garter at 10 Scotgate however his mother died in 1902… Read More
Cole, Bertie Bertie Cole Betie was born Stamford in the autumn of 1899 and was still at school in 1911. He lived with father Robert (a brewery labourer at Phillips Brewery) and mother Ann at 7 Phillips Yard, the row of cottages rented to Phillips’ Brewery workers. He was the youngest of nine children, one of whom… Read More
Collier, William David William was born in 1898. He was the son of Frank and Emily . He was born in Dallington St James, Northants and in 1901 he was living there with his parents and older sister Dorothy Elizabeth born in 1896 and younger sister Elsie Louise born in 1900. His father was employed as a railway… Read More
Collins, Arthur Edward Arthur Edward Collins Arthur Collins was born in Stamford in 1895. His father John was a blacksmith. His mother Ellen died in 1898 and in 1901 he was living with his sister in Fletton, Peterborough. In 1911 his father was a widower living with four of his 8 children and two boarders at 4 Cooch’s… Read More
Collinson, William Henry William Henry was born in 1898 at Radford, Nottingham. His father, Henry, was an engineer iron turner and he and his wife, Mary Ann, were both born in Radford, Nottinghamshire. The family of three moved to live in Stamford before William was three years old in 1901. Living at first at 4 Vine Street, they… Read More
Cook, Charles Raymond Charles Raymond Cook – 34 Broad Street Charles Raymond Cook was born in Stamford in 1897. He had a younger brother Redvers born in 1900 and 5 older siblings, all of them born in Stamford. His father John Horn Cook was a builder and contractor. In 1911, 5 of the children were living with their… Read More
Cooke, Arthur Arthur Cooke Arthur was born in Peterborough in 1898 and lived in Kettering at 123 St Saviours Road with his father William (a bricklayer’s labourer), mother Emma and baby sister Beatrice. A schoolboy in 1911, at the time of the census he was staying temporarily with his paternal grandparents, William and Mary Cooke, at 13… Read More
Cooper, Robert Sydney Robert Sydney Cooper In 1911 Robert, born in Stamford in 1897, was living at 53 Cemetery Road (Radcliffe Road) with his parents Robert and Mary Jane. The family had moved there from 3 Victoria Cottages. His father was a carter for a builder and he worked as an errand boy for a boot maker. During… Read More
Clarke, Reginald Reginald Clarke – 6b Rock Road Reginald Clarke was born in Stamford in 1897. His mother was in domestic service earlier in life and a laundress in 1911. At that time she was using the name Clark and said she was a widow who had been married 14 years, although it is possible she did… Read More